Productive Activities To Do In Quarantine
The entire planet is on lockdown as we humans are battling the pandemic of the coronavirus.
Depending upon where we live and what we do we have all been affected differently, regardless we are all suffering from the same predicament.
Given the population density and other mitigating factors cities and urban spaces are under strict lockdown with barely any ease on the restrictions.
While the countryside, on the other hand, hasn’t faced the brunt of this pandemic to that extent, nevertheless the restrictions are still in place as a precautionary measure.
Courtesy of this lockdown we sure have some free time on our hand, irrespective of the situation.
As a hunter there are a couple of things which we can do to keep ourselves busy in this time of restlessness.
So without further ado let’s have a look at them.
Clean your hunting weapons

I’ll admit, pulling the trigger is a lot more fun than cleaning the gun. Nevertheless, you need to clean your firearms from time to time if you expect them to work at full potential.
Good thing the quarantine has provided us with the extra time so make use of them by cleaning the firearms.
There are different ways to clean a particular firearm, in case you are not aware of them then Google will help you out.
Just remember that each firearm has a unique finish that means they all have their unique spray cleaners, solvents, oils, etc. If you don’t consider this then you might not like the result.
Follow This Article: How To Organize Hunting Gear In The Offseason?
Predator hunting (late spring)
Months of April and May heralds the coming of coyotes, so if you are into predator hunting then it’s time for you to gear up.
Some of you probably have a deer population that you are trying to maintain on your property.
Late April through May is when the majority of Whitetails give birth to fawns and it has been observed that fawns become the staple diet of coyotes during this period.
If you have shade and water nearby then that’s where they will be to escape the heat, make use of calls (a fawn in distress should do the job) if needed to draw them out.
Check Out This Cleaning Guide: How to clean your ATV – Post-hunting cleaning-up Guide.
Do some research on hunting
Couch time can be a useful time if you want it to be. When it comes to web-scouting apps there’s no lack of them.
These apps will allow you to see high-resolution satellite and mapping images of your current hunting area or a potential one.
Although you can find almost everything from these apps without spending a single penny, still there are perks of having a premium version.
With the latter you can lookout the public lands which consist of map intersections of burned areas, various management areas like Public Game Management areas (PGM), Chronic Wasting Disease Management areas (CWD), etc.
The best thing about these apps is that you can easily access the data while hunting, provided you have a cell signal at your location.
So keep digging on these apps and it might lead you to a great new hunting location.
Enroll in an online class
When it comes to online education for hunters there are plenty of options provided by the NRA.
Based on one of the websites of NRA Hunter’s leadership forum the two most necessary and pertinent courses for the hunters are:
- NRA experienced hunter education course and.
- The NRA online hunter education course (both are free online courses).
There have been instances where some states haven’t accepted these courses yet. If you belong to one of these states then do ask the state wildlife agency for the reason behind it, and in the meantime, you can opt for any other state’s course.
These courses are quite engaging and fun and nothing like those boring 2-D animation classes.
Start working on your calling
Practice makes a man perfect. So it’s time to start practicing on your calling before the lockdown gets lifted (provided your co-quarantined folks don’t mind the noise).
To help you with there are various internet sites that will teach you how to call game animals like deer, elk, ducks, geese, etc.
Remember to practice outdoor as well because the sound generated inside the house tends to be different from the outside.
Must Read This Article: Hunting Gear – A Complete Guide For A Memorable Hunt.
Take care of your canine friend

As of now, there’s no concrete evidence that suggests COVID-19 can be transmitted to our pets, so I ask you not to neglect them as this quarantine has been affecting them as well.
So take them out in the yard and indulge them in some light exercises, you can provide some post-season training to your hunting dog as well.
Taking good care of our pets in present times will keep them healthy and fit which means we won’t have to worry about scheduling a meet with the vet especially when leaving the house is off the table.
Let’s hope this pandemic turns into a history sooner rather than later, and we can all start our life with new objectives.
Until then all we can do is wait and hope for the best, but in the meantime, we shouldn’t neglect this opportunity to better ourselves in doing things that we love the most.
In this case, it’s hunting.
Read Also: Hunting Seasons of America.