How To Find The Perfect Tree For A Stand?
Once you have done with the selection of the perfect area, how to choose the perfect tree? We are here with some important tips to ensure that you have selected the tree which shall work for and not against you.
Whitetail hunters around the country are all geared up after months of planning and prep for the year’s hunting season. The trail cameras are all set, food plots are done and planted, the walking patterns and standing sights have been selected and mineral sights developed.
Now it has to be the most crucial step, choosing that perfect tree to hunt from! Being a hunter is not an easy job as it requires year-long chasing, yet many hunters often forget to acknowledge this step which ensures a successful hunt.
Selecting a tree for placing treestand is not an easy task. Every tree is not a killing tree. Merely being at the right place next to a potential food source or at a good pitch point isn’t enough to call a tree.
So what’s need to be done more? Don’t worry! Keep reading on for some essential tips.

The Direction of the Wind
Most of the hunters don’t mind settling for a marginal wind for the fact that tree’s proximity to the potential area. Hold your temptation and keep on searching until you get the perfect tree.
Ignore the issues like dropping acorns or downwind for the bedding ground or a road towards the field. Pick another tree if the wind is unsuitable. The tree has to be positioned in such a way that the animal never identifies your scent.
The basic, the higher you are the difficult would be your shot! Apply some scent elimination spray before you head out. Keep a check on the forecast. A bad weather today doesn’t mean bad weather every day.
Deer’s are the creatures which can be studied by their habits. Do some homework on the footfall of the deer. Set up a game camera to understand their movements. Close observation of intersections, funnels, and other convergence areas shall yield good results.
Once you have understood the movement pattern, you can select the nearby tree. Make sure you have a good shooting range and don’t come in the direct sight of the animal. A tree which is off path would do here.

Just finding a perfect tree alone would not do. The tree shall also serve as your concealment. Remove or trim the branches that are coming in your way to get a perfect shot.
But also try to preserve the branches that will help in your disguise. Have control on what is going on your behind a well. Arrange necessary concealment preps there as well.
Having more trees or greenery at the backdrop is right for your profile.
Not all the trees are made for tree stands. Look around carefully to the bark of the trees. Trees with smooth bark are not the ones for you irrespective of the perfect location.
They would fail to support the tree stand. Pine can be considered though. Its soft bark may help you in fixing the tree stand but not all the hunters second it. Beech is a definite no!
The best tree to go for is oak. It’s solid and on slippery bark is perfect for any tree stand. You can get acorns on it as well, so it’s a perfect tree for you.

Smooth bark might look inviting, but it’s not sturdy enough for a tree stand. Opt for a solid oak tree instead.
Apart from the factors mentioned above, the main principle for all the outdoor efforts in perfect tree selection is safety. Never try to hunt beyond your limits. Make sure you leave the location before evening.
There have been many accidents due to falling off the tree stands. Make sure you are all geared up with safety equipment which can save your life from dangerous animals in the habitat.
Deer season kick starts across the country. Once you are done with the hunting spot use these tips to find the perfect tree. Happy Hunting!