OP/TECH USA Utility Loop Connector Reviews

Connecting your camera or binoculars to a strap can get a lot easier with OP/TECH USA Utility Loop Connector. Using a loop connector gives you peace of mind. As a photographer, bird watcher or hunter, you need more than one extension connection point, but with a loop connector, you can have more than one point connection.

You could save yourself from much discomfort with this US made utility loop connector that allows you to attach more than one gadget to your strap or harness system.OP/TECH USA Utility Loop Connector

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Features OF OP/TECH USA Utility Loop Connector

  • Product is made in the United States – A quality product manufactured in the USA.
  • The utility loop system connector comes in sets of two, one male and one female connection – A unisex connector tool.
  • It creates the ability to attach a binoculars or camera with swivel hooks – With this, there is tangling of cords.
  • It adds only 3″ length to the strap – It does not add excessive length to your strap.
  • Fits a tight connection area with a loop of 1/4 inch tubular nylon webbing.
  • There are several connection options with the OP/TECH USA Utility Loop Connector for the camera/binocular owner – Multiple connection options for multiple choices.
  • The product allows a camera or binocular to be used with several neck straps, wrist straps or harness system.
  • Straps can be lengthened to be worn across the chest or be shortened to be worn at the chest level.
  • A small carrying handle is created when the quick disconnects are latched together.
  • Adapts the Utility loop connector Strap another strap with snap hooks for use with the camera.
  • Available in a wide variety of styles and sizes to fit almost any camera and Can support up to 9 pounds gear.

Product dimension is 1 x 2 x 2 inches, and a weight of 0.8 ounces. A lifetime warranty by the manufacturer.


  • Very Light and almost invisible.
  • Made of a high quality and durable material.
  • Adjustable – The utility loop connector is adjustable.
  • It is comfortable to use and easy to use.

>>>Check details, customer reviews, price and specifications>>>


As simple as this product is, I believe also that the simple explanations must have also been enlightening. Now that you have known much about this simple and easy to use OP/TECH USA Utility Loop Connector, it will be your prudent decision to make this product your choice of connecting tool.

This beautiful and durable piece of attachments are among the best and are available in some of the online stores.

To know more and to view customers reviews and also place an order visits the Amazon store.

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